
USB Power Delivery

  • Will almost definitely be able to provide sufficient power (up to , )
  • Gives users the freedom to power from any USB PD supply (which I can reasonably expect them to have)
  • Can be used portably with a USB PD power bank
  • User friendly USB C interface



USB 2.0

  • 4 mandatory pins

  • , , , and

  • USB-OTG also includes a fifth pin

  • Data pins are a differential half-duplex signal

  • Maximum

USB 3.0

  • 9 pins

  • Added an extra 2 pairs of differential TX and RX signals, for full-duplex operation

  • Maximum

  • Maximum with USB 3.1

  • Maximum of and with USB 3.2 and USB 4.0, but these require a USB Type-C connector

USB Type-C Connectors

  • Fully backwards-compatible
  • Added configuration channel
    • Communication channel to determine host/device
    • Negotiate power
    • Select alternate modes
Alternate Modes
  • Reusing/re-assignment of pins for other functions, such as
    • HDMI
    • DisplayPort
    • etc.
Power Delivery
  • Source and sink device communicate over the configuration channel to negotiate the voltage
USB PD Voltages
  • Up to of current—ie
PD PHY and PD Manager
  • Devices that look after the communication across the lines between the DFP and UFP
  • The PD physical layer (PHY) drives the communication across the lines, but is not capable of negotiation
  • The negotiation is performed by the PD manager, which implements the required state machine and drives the PHY to perform the necessary actions

USB Power Specifications

SpecificationMaximum VoltageMaximum CurrentMaximum Power
USB 2.0
USB 3.0 and USB 3.1
USB BC 1.2 (Battery Charging)
USB Type-C 1.2
USB PD 3.0

Where the USB Type-C 1.2 specification does not require special negotiation, such as with a USB Power Delivery Control Peripheral—the additional current can be simply negotiated with two pull-down resistors on the and pins.


This specification actually looks like it would suffice for my needs—my display only draws a maximum of at any given instant!

This would mean that I do not actually require a USB Power Delivery Control Peripheral chip.

I will need to investigate how this implementation handles supplies that are not capable of sourcing the PD power, however.

USB Type-C 1.2

Although I do not require a PD control chip for this specification, I should not just naively attach pull-down resistors and assume that the source is capable of sourcing .

I could either follow the specification and read the voltages at the centre tap of the downstream-facing port (DFP) and upstream-facing port (UFP) using an ADC in my Microcontroller to determine the advertised current capability and subsequently enable/disable a Load Switch, or use a USB-C Configuration Controller IC like the TUSB320 from TI.

Of course, if I select a STM32 microcontroller that has a built-in UCPD, I can simply use that to negotiate for the , , power rule.

According to the STM32 USB PD wiki however, I do not even a UCPD peripheral in this case—I will need to refer to AN5225 to see if this is meaning that they would recommend that I just attach the pull-down resistors without a configuration IC. I will add further notes below under the USB Power Delivery > Implementation heading.


As calculated in Current Amplifier, I will require up to at at any given instant if the current Display row is fully on.

As noted above, this means that the standard USB Type-C 1.2 power delivery specification would suffice for this project, as it is capable of at . As I do not anticipate anything to require another of current, and my Maximum LED Forward Voltage and supply voltages for my SN74HCS594PWR shift registers and TLC5951DAP LED drivers all work on , I do not see a compelling reason to use a special PD controller to negotiate the power requirements from a USB PD source instead of a simple USB-C Configuration Controller.

Regardless of the final USB power specification, my power input will need to be connected to a dedicated Power Connector, such that I am able to power the board from a capable source whilst simultaneously flashing and debugging application firmware through the Data Connector.

Expanding on the notes above under the USB Power Delivery > USB Type-C 1.2 heading, I see in AN5225 that Chapter 10 is of most interest to me—Type-C with no Power Delivery. In this chapter however, I see that the provided guidance is to simply attach the pull-down resistors and walk-away—which will not be good if the source is incapable of supplying the required current draw.