


To choose my microcontroller, I will first start by clearly defining the various requirements that I must satisfy in order to drive my display and control the various interface components.

I know that I will want to consider at least the various ESP devices like the ESP32 and ESP8266, and also the PSoC 6 after having used a PSoC 5 in COMPSYS 301. I will also want to consider a few STM32 microcontrollers, so I can become more familiar with these for industry.

In my decision making, I will want to primarily consider, amongst other things:

  • Required peripherals,
  • Core widths,
  • Cost,
  • Stock availability (likely a big factor!), and
  • Clock frequency.

Regarding connectivity, I think it would be nice to have Bluetooth/WiFi options available, but this is a primary goal of the project. It may be nice if I could develop some software application/webpage to connect to the display, but this may be too much scope creep and outside the goals of the project. This would heavily favour the ESP8266/ESP32 or PSoC 6 with BLE. Alternatively, I may choose to use an STM32 with an ESP purely as a connectivity module—but I think this will need to be well justified.

Further, preferably, I would like if the microcontroller I choose did not require a vendor-specific IDE, but rather could be configured to work with PlatformIO. I already know that the ESP32 and ESP8266 are compatible with this workflow, but I will need to investigate further for other microcontroller families.

After considering the various families listed above, I have come to the conclusion as detailed within ESP8266 > Conclusions and ESP32 > Conclusions that I feel it would be best if I took this opportunity to gain a firmer grounding in an ARM-architecture microprocessor, and particularly something as common in industry as an STM32.

I also already have some experience with the ST system from my internship last year, such that I am already familiar with the STM32Cube family of software packages, and the experience of developing using ST support resources/application notes etc.

As noted above, I still wish to incorporate WiFi and BLE into this project, so I will need to investigate whether something like the STM32W line is best, or perhaps another STM32 device family with an external module.

I will start with familiarising myself further with the various ARM Cortex Processors, and using the ARM Cortex-M Processor Comparison Table to determine the processor that is most suitable for my needs.

Having performed the above evaluation in ARM Cortex Processors > Cortex-M to learn that any Cortex-M core will be suitable, I will then use the STM32 MCU product selector to select a specific STM32 microcontroller that satisfies my other requirements.

Selected Device

Following a thorough selection process as documented in STM32 > Product Selector, I have decided to proceed with the STM32U575CIT6Q.


Having selected my STM32U575CIT6Q microcontroller, I will now need to perform a schematic capture in Altium—starting by creating my own library component as per my Schematic Guidelines.


I will then begin with adding my power decoupling capacitors, following the guidance provided in Figure 25 of the datasheet to place:

  • a µcapacitor at each pin, alongside a bulk µcapacitor for the IC.
  • a capacitor parallel to a bulk µcapacitor across for the analogue domain.
    • as the reference voltage pin is not exposed on my package, I do not need to worry about its capacitors.
  • a capacitor at each pin.

As I am not using the backup domain functionality, I will treat this as another pin and attach its own decoupling capacitor as directed in AN5373 para 2.1.4.

I will also apply some additional filtering to the analogue supply pin, as suggested in Section 2.2 of AN5373. I will do this by adding a ferrite bead between and to stop high-frequency switching transients from coupling through to my analogue domain. As I am not very familiar with ferrite beads, I will first use LTspice to characterise the behaviour of their equivalent model, then select an appropriate part. I will document this process in Ferrite Beads.

Crystal Oscillators

USB Data Connector


Filter the input rail with a ferrite!

STM32CubeMX Pinout