
Discrete Addressable LEDs

Part Number601000200IN-PI15TAT5R5G5BIN-PI20TBT5R5G5BIN-PI22TAT5R5G5BT3A33BRG-H9C0002X1U1930FZ2812-5050IN-PI554FCHIN-PI55QATPRPGPBPW-40IN-PC55TBTRGBLTST-E263CEGBK19-C47/RSGHBHC-5V01/2TWS2812B-B/TDY-S1515065/RGBC/6805-5TSK6805-EC15SK6805-EC20
Supplier LinkDigiKeyDigiKeyDigiKeyDigiKeyDigiKeyDigiKeyDigiKeyDigiKeyDigiKeyDigiKeyDigiKeyLCSCLCSCLCSCLCSC
Power Supply Voltage
Average Forward Current
PWM Frequency
Data Frequency
Protocol24bit serial GRB24bit serial GRB24bit serial GRB24bit serial GRB32bit serial BRG24bit serial GRB24bit serial GRB32bit serial GRBW32bit serial BGRUnspecified24bit serial RGB24bit serial GRB24bit serial GRB24bit serial GRB24bit serial GRB
Data LinesGPIO pin1 GPIO pin1 GPIO pin1 GPIO pin2 GPIO pins1 GPIO pin1 GPIO pin1 GPIO pin2 GPIO pins1 GPIO pin1 GPIO pin1 GPIO pin1 GPIO pin1 GPIO pin1 GPIO pin
Cost (for 256)USD$58.37USD$58.88USD$58.88USD$75.06USD$64.00USD$72.27USD$78.59USD$78.59USD$78.59USD$98.25USD$98.25USD$16.41USD$22.41USD$34.92USD$38.22
RemarksHas internal decoupling capacitorTwo-wire synchronous control
Preferred Devices

I would prefer the black WS2812B-B/T from LCSC over any of the white offerings from DigiKey due to colour/price considerations, except for possibly the IN-PI15TAT5R5G5B or the larger IN-PI20TBT5R5G5B—the price difference here isn't that extreme (compared to the comparable LCSC devices), and I would prefer to order from DigiKey due to shipping/order consolidation reasons. Also, the DigiKey devices are diffused, and the datasheets are in English.


But, I would actually prefer the all-black & black diffused LEDs that are available in a common anode configuration... these are also considerably cheaper from LCSC, eg USD$3 vs USD$30 for 256.
Also, individually addressable LEDs might be too easy... in the sense that they might be a bit too straight-forward to drive, making this project too easy.
Also, it'd mean that the board is effectively just the uC + LEDs + power, without needing anything other ICs for the matrix... I kind of want something more involved.
I'll compare some more common anode/cathode RGB LEDs in the physical packages I'm after, and see if I can figure out a nice way to drive them all.