
Current Amplifier

Output Current

The selected SN74HCS594PWR shift register can only source per output, which is insufficient to drive a full row of LEDs.

I found in Maximum Output Constant-Current that the maximum current that may be supplied to each channel is

where there are 35 anodes connected to each output of the shift register, as per the final Layout Design. This corresponds to

such that each shift register output must be capable of sourcing

when all pixels in a row are fully on simultaneously.

I will therefore need to design a current gain stage that can amplify to , ie a required gain of .

Device Technology

I will evaluate both a BJT-based topology and a FET-based topology, but I suspect a FET solution would be desirable due to:

  1. Low . Less voltage dropped across the transistor. However, as found in Maximum LED Forward Voltage, a collector-emitter drop would still be tolerable in a BJT solution.
  2. Faster switching speed. As per Minimum Data Frequency, I have a minimum row frequency of . This will be easily handled by both device types, but I would expect a FET to have lesser switching losses.
  3. Drive current. The zero steady-state gate current of a FET will likely be easier to design for, versus the constant base-emitter current required for a BJT.

Transistor Type

As my shift registers are being used to supply the common-anode supply of my RS-1515MBAM LEDs, I am effectively designing a high-side switch between and the LED Drivers. This means that, unless I want to include a bootstrapping stage, I will be looking at PNP transistors and P-channel MOSFETs, else the base/gate voltage may not be sufficiently greater than the emitter/source voltage to turn the transistor on.

This produces a basic high-side PNP topology like the following:
Pasted image 20231107152804.png
where I have a base resistor of and a minimum transistor () of .

I also have two active low control signals and , where I require the following truth table:


PNP Common Emitter Topology

First, I will try a simple PNP common-emitter topology, as in the basic high-side topology sketched above. I will simulate this circuit in LTspice.

Shift Register Output Current

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As expected, we see a constant base current being sunk into the shift register when the signal is active, with a magnitude of —well within specifications.

LED Current

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We see that this topology is behaving as expected; sinking current through the LED when both the shift register and driver are LOW, and cutting off current when the shift register signal goes HIGH.

I am simulating with the 2SB1706 PNP transistor due to its current rating and (in the SPICE model). We see that this is capable of passing close to the desired for 105 channels, but is not quite capable of passing the full current.

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Switching to the 2SB1708 with a gain and , we see the full alongside a better transient response. This tells me that this circuit should be adequate, but I do not like the high dependence on each transistor's current gain . I could use a Darlington pair topology to increase the current gain of the circuit, but I will first try a PMOS topology.

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Looking at the power dissipated by the transistor, we see that it is dissipating over peak, and an average of when the row is on. This is undesirable from a PCB perspective, and also exceeds the absolute maximum power dissipation of the device (from the datasheet).

Although I could look at power transistors for better power dissipation, these will have much smaller DC gains.

PMOS Common Source Topology

Replacing the PNP BJT transistor with a P-channel MOSFET in a common-source configuration, I have the below circuit:
Pasted image 20231107194605.png

Shift Register Output Current

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As expected, we see a maximum current of to charge/discharge the gate of the FET, but zero current once the transistor is switched either on/off. This is desirable from a power dissipation perspective, as there is less current constantly being sunk/sourced by the shift registers, though I would expect the effect to be marginal due to the magnitude of the current.

LED Current

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Once again, we see correct behaviour of this switch, with current passing when the shift register is pulled LOW and the driver load sinking current—and current ceasing to flow once the shift register is pulled HIGH. We do observe a slower off-transition in this case however, as the gate voltage takes a few microseconds to charge back up—but this effect is negligible.

I am simulating with the IRF7205 fast switching MOSFET due to its low on resistance of , its drain current being sufficient to pass my , and its logic-level gate threshold voltage.

The low on resistance of this FET gives a power dissipation of

which should be no issue at all.

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This is also verified by the simulation.

I will move forward with this design, and do a parts selection for a suitable P-Channel MOSFET, before verifying the final circuit in LTspice.

Selected SIL2301-TP Device

Simulating the selected SIL2301-TP device with an added gate-source pull-up resistor, I see exactly what I would expect to see.

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I will now need to select the part numbers for my gate in-rush limiting and gate pull-up resistors. As these resistors are used in a low-power, low-precision application, their values/characteristics are not critical.

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I will also move the gate pull-up resistor to be on the shift register side, to reduce the pull-up effect when the signal is being driven LOW. I see that, without the pull-up resistor, the gate is pulled down to the LOW-level output of the shift register of , but, the previous arrangement increased this to . Moving the pull-up resistor, I see a better LOW-level input voltage of .

For BOM consolidation reasons, I will reuse the pull-up resistor for the Shift Registers, instead of the resistor.

Iteration Two


If the SN74HCS594PWR cannot output the that I have assumed in my simulation, it is unable to switch the LED off!

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I did know that this was the problem with using a P-channel FET in this manner, I just hoped it would be fine...


Design a more robust circuit (ie bootstrapping/gate drive) that eliminates this possibility.


Why can't I just drive the GPIO as open-drain with a pull-up resistor?

Also, could I run VLED on 3.3V? This is just risking the max Vf—it would be fine for the typical, but not the max VF.

The SIL2301-TP has a max threshold voltage of 1V, so 3.3 will be more than sufficient, just that the Rdson will be slightly larger.

Oh, the problem is only if I draw too much current from the shift register! If current is 0 (ie once the gate is charged), it is effectively VCC!

  • Shift register output is OK if powered by VLED
  • Shift register input can be driven as open-drain
  • VLED should be 5V