

logo.svg`logo.svg`The full original Illustrator design file.
logo-animated.svg`logo-animated.svg`An animated variant.
logo-paths.svg`logo-paths.svg`A simplified monochrome variant with stroked paths instead of outlined compound clipping paths. Necessary for animations.
logo-cropped.svg`logo-cropped.svg`A cropped variant with no padding.
logo-simple.svg`logo-simple.svg`A simplified variant with a non-stylised logomark.

All (non-animated) .svg images within the ~/assets/ directory are automatically minified and optimised (-min.svg) using SVGO by the Optimise SVG Actions workflow.

The animated logo is created using SVG Artista.

  1. Create the simplified logo-paths file from the full logo file in Illustrator—ie skip the outline stroke/compound path steps

  2. Optimise with SVGOMG
    SVGOMG settings


To prevent import errors, I must change the default settings of:

  • Remove unknowns & defaults
  • Remove hidden elements
  • Round/rewrite paths
  1. Import to SVG Artista, using the below settings
    Animation settings

Requires a manual time-delay to be applied to the wordmark animation.


Transition animation types do not seem to work, I must use the Animation option.

  1. Copy the markup and save it as logo-animated.svg

  2. Manually insert the <g> groups from logo-min.svg, and add the CSS transitions to fade in/out from animated to full gradient